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Development Proposal for Sundance Drive and Ensign Lane

A Sardis, BC development company is seeking a development permit with variances for a 58-unit townhouse development comprised of 20 units fronting Sundance Drive and 38 units fronting Ensign Quay Lane and Ensign Lane.

The property is currently listed in the City of West Kelowna Bylaws as a medium density residential zone (R4). The property is subject to three of the City’s Development Permit Areas – Multiple Family Residential, Hillside and Sensitive Terrestrial Ecosystem.

The Sundance Drive units would be three storeys (rear elevation), three bedrooms with double (parallel) garages while the Ensign Quay and Lane would be two storeys (rear elevation) with single garage.

Sundance Drive

Ensign Quay and Lane

The applicant is requesting the following variances to City of West Kelowna Zoning Bylaw No. 0265.

  • Reduce the front setback from 6.0 m to 4.0 m on Sundance Drive.

  • Reduce required distance between parking spaces and road from 3.0 m to 0.0 m.

  • Reduce loading spaces from 4 spaces to 1 space.

  • Increase the height of two retaining walls from 2.5 m to 3.5 m.

  • Forgo the requirement to install a turnaround at the end of Ensign Lane.

The Sundance/Ensign development permit application is scheduled to go in front of city council on May 16th however the City’s development services staff will recommend council postpone consideration and direct the applicant to revise the following:

  • Include a turnaround and loading space on Ensign Lane.

  • Secure legal access for units 53-56 (approx.) on Ensign Lane.

  • Reallocate the number of visitor spaces for each laneway to be proportional to the number of units.

  • Revise the design of the extended portion of Ensign Lane to include increased safety elements consistent with best practices and the City’s Hillside DPA guidelines and demonstrate that turning movements can be reasonably accommodated to any units near its terminus; and

  • Clearly provide a location for snow deposition on Ensign Lane.

The complete application can be found on the May 16th City Council Agenda (page 22):

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