An open letter to the City of West Kelowna
Shannon Lake Road – Infrastructure and Road Improvements

Appropriate and immediate infrastructure improvements are needed on Shannon Lake Road from the boundary of the WFN (south) to Bartley Road (north). The infrastructure improvements need to meet the needs of our existing and growing neighbourhood and the greater West Kelowna community.

Current The Ask
The newly revised Official Community Plan 2020 – 2040 (OCP) states our city’s transportation objectives are to improve the safety and reliability for people and goods to move around West Kelowna.
The OCP goes on to say the city will implement a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that addresses current and future needs for all transportation modes, including pedestrian, bicycle, public transportation, and automobile while continuing to improve transportation safety through the implementation of infrastructure, design, traffic calming and construction best practices.
With the draft TMP currently in the planning stages now is the time to advocate for Multi-use Pathways along Shannon Lake Road.

Transportation engineers should do away with antiquated infrastructure design standards (example: unprotected cycle lanes) in favour of a safer and more inviting active transportation network.

Active transportation facilities should be:
Safe and Stress Free - Mitigating both real and perceived safety concerns is a crucial step in attracting active transportation users.
Inclusive - Consider the needs of users of all ages and abilities.
Cohesive and Direct - should fit within a cohesive network that provides direct access to destinations such as commercial areas, employment areas, residential areas, and community amenities.
Attractive and Intuitive - should be comfortable and pleasant for people of all ages and abilities as well as recognizable, predictable, and consistent.

The BC Active Transportation Design Guidelines states Multi-use Pathways should be considered for arterial roads such as Shannon Lake Road when:
Traffic volume is greater than 4000 vehicles per day.
Traffic speed is 50 km/h or greater.
The arterial road is located within a residential neighbourhood.
There are a limited number of crossings (intersections, driveways)
There is sufficient right-of-way.
The facility provides a link to other facilities and important destinations. (schools, parks, businesses).
The facility creates a safer environment for vulnerable road users (children, seniors).
The facility is in harmony with the strategic plan for the community (OCP).
Multi-use pathways along Shannon Lake Road check all the boxes.
We ask the city staff to design, and city council to approve, a transportation infrastructure in accordance with the BC- Active Transportation Design Guidelines so as to meet the needs of our community and the objectives and principles of our Official Community Plan.
Please accept this letter in the spirit in which it was intended.
Tom Groat, president