Members of the Shannon Lake Neighbourhood Association (SLNA) Executive were invited to meet with Ron Bowles, the new CAO for the City of West Kelowna, on January 24th. The meeting provided our SLNA an opportunity to review and discuss issues effecting our Shannon Lake neighbourhood. Trevor Siebel, deputy CAO, was also in attendance.
Through feedback received from SLNA members and Shannon Lake residents, our SLNA addressed several issues and concerns, and made specific requests to the city.
The SLNA gratefully acknowledged the recent active transportation improvements to Shannon Lake Road between WFN boundary and the regional park. Over the past five years, and on behalf of our Shannon Lake residents, the SLNA lobbied for safety improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.
Additional improvements along Shannon Lake Road are still needed. The following concerns were discussed with CAO Ron Bowles:
Canyon Crest Drive: Many local motorists continue to make illegal left turns on to or off of Canyon Crest Drive. The SLNA asked for the rationale of constructing a median at this intersection restricting left turns. (No other intersections on Shannon Lake Road have similar restrictions.) Responding to requests from local residents, the SLNA asked the city to remove the median to allow left turns at Canyon Crest Drive. Bowles agreed to discuss the request with the city's engineering department.

Shannon Lake Road between Golf Course entrance and Golf Course Estates: Currently there are no sidewalks, bike lanes, multi-use pathways or streetlights. During the darker winter season this poses great danger to pedestrians. Last September the SLNA requested temporary bollards to be installed along this section to improve safety and have the bollards remain in place until Phase 3 of SLR Improvements are complete. Bowles agreed to discuss the request with the city's engineering department.
Tallus Ridge Drive: Many local drivers fail to stop at the stop sign before proceeding onto Shannon Load Road. Community policing recently documented sixty-seven traffic violations in a seventy-five minute period. The "straight shot" down Tallus Ridge Drive encourages a "slow and go" practise, creating a dangerous traffic environment. The SLNA has requested to have the intersection realigned and to increase RCMP traffic enforcement. Bowles, on behalf of the city, will request a “traffic blitz” from the RCMP as well as to discuss the request with the city's engineering department.
Crystal Springs MHP: Restricted sight lines and vehicle speed are making it extremely dangerous for over 400 residents to exit and enter their residences at Crystal Springs. Responding to a request from Crystal Springs residents, the SLNA asked the city to install flashing lights and “Hidden Driveway” signs north and south of entrance. This issue has been communicated to the city in the past and Bowles will review it once more with the engineering department.
The SLNA requested the City waive the rental fees associated for all SLNA events. Currently, the city waives the rental fee only for the AGM. The SLNA is a city-recognized, volunteer, non-profit organization with a mandate to encourage a more vibrant, engaged community. The city provides a $500 grant as an incentive for NA's to host neighbourhood events. However, these funds generally go back to the city in rental fees thus negating any incentive. Bowles indicated this would require a revision of city policy and West Kelowna city council would have to address this request. Bowles recommended NA’s predetermine expenses for their various events and request funding over and above the current $500.

The City of West Kelowna has agreed to increase funding to neighbourhood associations (NA's) to help with liability insurance for the SLNA and its directors. Currently, funding is set at $600 and has not increased in more than five years. An increase would bring funding more in line with today's insurance costs.

The SLNA has requested the City of West Kelowna establish a link to its SLNA website on the West Kelowna City website. A link to the SLNA website would encourage greater resident awareness and engagement in our community as well as help highlight the qualities of our neighbourhood to prospective home buyers and businesses. Other NA's have made similar requests. Bowles indicated a concern that NA’s may not always align with City policies/interests and would prefer the city maintain an arms-length relationship between city and NA’s.
The SLNA continues to advocate for the residents of the Shannon Lake neighbourhood and remind all residents - a strong membership ensures a strong voice. If you are a past SLNA member, please be sure to renew your SLNA membership. If you are not a SLNA member, we encourage you to join today. Click here to become a SLNA member today.