A conceptual design for the Shannon Lake Active Transportation Corridor was developed and presented by city staff at the September 26, 2023 Council meeting. Based on Council’s constructive feedback, staff was asked to review, re-evaluate, and revise the design to provide additional options for consideration.
At the November 28 council meeting, city staff will be presenting two additional design options. City staff will be recommending Option #3 from the design proposal package.

Option #3 design proposal states, "Continuous multi-use pathways on both sides of the roadway is included from the Westbank First Nation Boundary to Swite Road. Landscape boulevards are included along the roadway at select locations. There is sufficient right-of-way for the path on both sides of the road to accommodate these improvements. The conceptual design includes the safety benefits of the multi-use path, with the improved connectivity to the many destinations in the neighbourhood."
The Multi-use pathway option is off the roadway and is physically separated from motor vehicle traffic. The design provides the following benefits:
Enhanced safety for general users through effective separation from vehicular traffic.
Inclusivity for a diverse range of users. (pedestrians, cyclists, seniors, physically-challenged)
Reduced crossing distance across Shannon Lake Road. (Less exposure to traffic.)
A narrower paved width between curbs, contributing to the mitigation of vehicle speeding. (Traffic calming)
Streamlined maintenance of the landscape boulevard for City parks operation staff. (Reduced cost for maintenance.)
Design Option #3 best aligns with the City of West Kelowna's recently revised Official Community Plan, "by creating a connected, inclusive, vibrant community."
At the request of city council, city staff will also be presenting design concept for a roundabout at intersection of Asquith and Shannon Lake Road.

Typically, West Kelowna completes a major road reconstruction project every second year, but with cost escalations due to inflation in recent years, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain that level of service improvements. Due to the many needs in the arterial road network, city staff will be recommending that the construction of the roundabout be deferred.
The complete design presentation can be viewed at: https://pub-westkelowna.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=14028
Residents are encouraged to contact city council at mayorandcouncil@westkelownacity.ca and voice their support for Option #3 road design.