At the regular West Kelowna city council meeting held November 28th, council endorsed an updated design for the Shannon Lake Road Active Transportation Corridor Project, which would include off-road, multi-use pathways on both sides between Westbank First Nation and the Swite Road entrance to Shannon Lake Regional Park, with construction expected in 2024, subject to budget approval. Council previously requested the maximum $500,000 provincial contribution through the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Program towards the project, which is currently estimated at $5.175 million.
Council was unanimous in its support for the project citing many positive comments from West Kelowna residents. Video of November 28th council discussion regarding the Shannon Lake Road improvements can be found by clicking here. Discussion starts at 1:00:00 on the video.
Council further discussed the inclusion of a roundabout at Asquith Road. Council fully supported the design however expressed concern regarding cost and available funds for the roundabout project. Council requested further information regarding the additional funding needed to complete the roundabout project in conjunction with the Shannon Lake road improvements.
Council directed staff to prepare a costed design for a roundabout at Shannon Lake and Asquith Roads to be brought back for future Council consideration.
Video of November 28th council discussion regarding the Asquith Road roundabout can be found by clicking here. Discussion starts at 1:37:50 on the video.